November 13, 2018

Hitting you guys with another Landyn Loves because I love ya so much and refuse to leave your questions unanswered about the items I talked about in my IG stories last week. Most of what was featured had to do with fall + fashion. Like what to wear on Thanksgiving and Fall Fashion Accessories. If […]

October 9, 2018

LANDYN LOVES Week 2 of “Landyn Loves”, here we go! So what did I love during the first week of October? ALL THE THINGS. Get ready for the breakdown…I kicked the week off hosting some pretty special girlfriends for an episode of Hey Landyn (don’t worry, it’s coming). If you’re looking for that gray cropped […]


Landyn's Favorites

meet landyn



I’m your girl for finding the perfect white tee, the mother of all under eye concealer and a dinner your kids will actually eat. And if there something I haven’t found, you’ll be there when I do. My hope is to inspire you, be your daily dose of comic relief and that best girlfriend you never really knew you needed. So, pour that second cup of coffee, grab your girls and let’s go figure out this thing called life.


Meet Landyn