November 11, 2016

You may not have your menu set in stone at this point, {don’t you worry, I’ll be sharing my Thanksgiving menu with you next week} but, you still need a place for everyone to gather on the big day.  I have created a simple, elegant table that is so easy to do and the best part […]

September 15, 2016

JULIE + AMBER If you don’t already know, let me be the first introduce you to Julie Brown + Amber Thomas. Otherwise known as the dynamic duo behind one of my favorite design studios in Nashville, Providence Interiors. They have both worked in the interior design industry since the mid 1990′s and joined forces in the […]


Landyn's Favorites

meet landyn



I’m your girl for finding the perfect white tee, the mother of all under eye concealer and a dinner your kids will actually eat. And if there something I haven’t found, you’ll be there when I do. My hope is to inspire you, be your daily dose of comic relief and that best girlfriend you never really knew you needed. So, pour that second cup of coffee, grab your girls and let’s go figure out this thing called life.


Meet Landyn