It’s SPRING Y’all! Time to hose off the font porch, kills some spiders, plant some pretty flowers and spruce up the entry. It’s my favorite season and something I look forward to all year long. Nothing feels better than a fresh new start. I have to admit when I go to someones home, I check out the front door color, {mine is Belle Meade Green- a deep green, almost black} potted plants on display and hope for a clever doormat. One that stands out and grabs my attention. I bought MERICAN DREAM myself, pictured above.
Why be basic and boring, right? Go ahead and get the conversation started as soon as you open the door. It’s a great icebreaker, if you ask me. Here are a few doormats I think are pretty hysterical. Go ahead, give your guests a laugh and a glimpse of your personality. If you’re not that brave or have kids that can read, I’ve included everything from safe to sporty. Not to mention they make the most perfect house warming gift.
Happy sprucing!
Hello/Goodbye $29
Home Plate $25
Merican Dream $50
Geometric $20
Holla $50
Hey Bear $20
The Neighbors Have Better Stuff $50
Personalized $49
Oh Shit Not You Again $28
Bye Felicia $34
Howdy $50
Header Photo: ©2016livingwithlandyn
Love the mats! So fun! The link to the geometric one is not working. Would you mind letting me know where you found this one?
I’m sorry! Not sure what happened here. All fixed. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.