Hi friends! I’m back with another Q&A episode! Answering your questions are my FAVORITE type of episodes to record. When I prep for recording these episodes and I ask on Instagram if you guys have any questions–you come through with the questions! I mean, nothing is off limits. The things that you guys […]
Next week we’ll have a driver! Ah! I can’t believe Lily will be 16. CRAZY!?!? Things look a bit different this year, so no sweet-sixteen party. But, I’m going to do all that I can to make it as special as possible. I found some great party supplies and fun decor I wanted to share […]
Another year we’re together! It’s my birthday and I wanted to share the celebration with YOU! You know I love giving back and I thought, why not get everyone in on the celebration ! Below are the birthday codes – get them while they’re HOT. They’ll be TODAY ONLY. Cheers to another year ladies! […]
photos: Jessica Amerson Guest Post Allllllert! Hey ! It’s Anne Claire, If you don’t know who I am, that’s totally ok (I’m a behind the scene’s girl)- I am right hand (personal assistant) to Landyn, and writing is definitely not my forte, so please don’t come for me. Back story, Landyn and I met almost […]
It’s my birthday and I can party if I want to! Girls, you know I love a party and I can celebrate just about anything. Last year, I started one of my favorite traditions, discounts for YOU on my birthday. I can’t be the only celebrated today! I’ve reach out to some of my favorite […]
Well, better late than never. I was really hoping to get this post up long before now, but hey such is life right now… C R A Z Y. Thanks for being patient, because I am beyond excited to share with you one of my best birthdays yet! It’s filled with a few snip-it’s about […]
Do you shave your face? Wait, what Landyn?! Yep, I asked it because I’ve been shaving my face for 2 years now. I’ll never go back to the peach fuzz days and I’m here to bust all those myths you’ve heard.
First things first, let me say this…I am NOT a beauty blogger. I'm just a girl trying to get by in the morning while adding a little glam here and there. So yes, I know that sometimes I may not be applying the eyeliner
I’m your girl for finding the perfect white tee, the mother of all under eye concealer and a dinner your kids will actually eat. And if there something I haven’t found, you’ll be there when I do. My hope is to inspire you, be your daily dose of comic relief and that best girlfriend you never really knew you needed. So, pour that second cup of coffee, grab your girls and let’s go figure out this thing called life.