October 31, 2022

November 19, 2018

Little Drummer Boy drumroll please šŸ„ā€¦Ha! The very first Gift Guide of 2018 is here and it is ALL THE THINGS. Iā€™m calling it ā€˜Landynā€™s Gift Guideā€™ because it features fifteen of my favorite items. Jewelry, coats, you name it – everything I love and everything you need. It is the perfect guide to getting […]

November 20, 2017

I am so excited to share my wish list for this year with you guys.  Hopefully my husband and the rest of my family will take a little looksie and find a gift for me.  I mean I am practically teeing it up for them.  Hopefully you will find something on my wish list that […]

November 20, 2017

I am so excited to share my wish list for this year with you guys.Ā  Hopefully my husband and the rest of my family will take a little looksie and find a gift for me.Ā  I mean I am practically teeing it up for them.Ā  Hopefully you will find something on my wish list that […]


Landyn's Favorites

meet landyn



Iā€™m your girl for finding the perfect white tee, the mother of all under eye concealer and a dinner your kids will actually eat. And if there something I havenā€™t found, youā€™ll be there when I do. My hope is to inspire you, be your daily dose of comic relief and that best girlfriend you never really knew you needed. So, pour that second cup of coffee, grab your girls and letā€™s go figure out this thing called life.


Meet Landyn