landyn with keto cookbooks- what is a keto diet

It’s January, which for most of the world means time to clean up that diet and get back on the healthy train.  Am I right?  Well I am just like everybody else and I really let myself fall off that train for the past several months.  My holiday eating definitely was not stellar and I haven’t worked out since the Living with Landyn live show in September…of last year!  Well all that changes now.

 the best keto cookbooks

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The funny thing is that I am actually the thinnest I have been since college, but unfortunately it is because I have lost muscle mass.  They always say muscle mass weighs more than fat…and let me tell you, they aren’t lying.  After so many positive reviews and encouragement from you guys about Orange Theory, I am actually going to start going this week.  I will definitely give you my thoughts on that after I have gone for awhile.  I have also started the Keto diet this month and I’m excited to share with you why I chose that diet and what all I have learned so far.


First things first, what exactly is a Keto diet?  I had heard that term before, but never really knew what it was.  At its core it is basically a high-fat, low-carb diet.  Is anyone old enough to remember the ole Atkins diet that was really popular in the early 2000’s?  It is basically like the Atkins diet on crack.  One of the primary difference though is the emphasis on eating high-fat foods and getting your body into a state of ketosis and keeping it there.

Ketosis is a natural process that our body creates when it has a low intake of carbohydrates and needs to produce fuel for the body.  The body’s primary source of fuel is glucose which is created when carbs and sugars are broken done in the liver.  When the body does not have enough carbs, the liver produces ketones through the breakdown of fat. Basically your body is using fat, rather than carbs, as it primary fuel source so it burns fat quickly.


The goal with a keto diet is to get into and keep your body in a state of ketosis.  To do this the general recommendation is that you need to eat no more than 50 grams of carbs (25-30 net carbs) a day max and the lower the better.  For me it’s 20 grams. This is just a guideline though, so if you want to know more accurately based on your personal situation and your body just google keto calculator and you will be able to better figure out the right amount of carbs for you.

Because fat becomes the primary fuel source in a keto diet, fat is the majority of what you are consuming in your diet.  Below is a pie chart that I found that helps break down what you should be eating on a keto diet.  You will notice that in addition to being low carb, you are eating a limited amount of protein too and the protein that you do eat is generally higher fat meats.

 source: Perfect Keto source: Perfect Keto  good foods for a keto diet

Keto-Friendly Foods

  • Meat- high fat cuts like steaks, veals, roasts, and ground beef
  • Seafood
  • Eggs cooked anyway
  • High Fat Sauces- Dressings, Bernaise Sauce, Alfredo, Garlic Butter, etc
  • Vegetables grown above ground, especially leafy and green veggies such as caluiflower, spinach, avocado, broccoli, etc.
  • High Fat Dairy- butter, sour cream, heavy cream, cheese, but not regular milk as it has too much sugar.
  • Nuts- especially macadamia nuts and pecans.  Avoid cashews as they have more carbs.
  • Berries- these must be eaten sparingly and blackberries, raspberries and strawberries have the lowest carb counts.

 heavy cream | coconut milk | almond milk

my favorite sweet treat | barney butter + dark chocolate + chia seeds |

If you are a more visual person like me, here is a great food pyramid that shows you the foods to eat and avoid on this diet. I’m loving the Keto App. It’s so easy to track what you consume daily, along with plenty of great recipe ideas.

 Source: Keto Diet Blog Source: Keto Diet Blog

One of the very best parts of the keto diet has been that the recipes are delicious and even my kids love them.  Typically when we try a diet and are eating lots of “green things” my kids completely freak out and don’t want to eat what I am cooking.  Mama doesn’t have time to be a short-order cook, so it is nice to be able to make one meal that everyone enjoys. Like those pork rind dusted pork chops…they devoured them!


Steve was actually the catalyst for starting the keto diet.  Several members of the Titans team and staff, as well as some of our friends, have been on the keto diet and have seen great results.  Since his back surgery last year, he hasn’t been able to work out as strenuously as he’d like, so he was looking for a way to maintain/lose weight without being able to work out as much. He did all the research {his nickname is Manual Boy, he reads about everything} and ordered all the books and I am basically along for the ride.  I will say this, Steve is the absolute best person do do a diet with.  He has the most willpower of any person I have ever met and when he makes a decision to stick to a diet, he does it.  I know if I join in a diet with him he will hold me totally accountable and will be my partner every step of the way, so I generally jump on board with what he recommends.


 my favorite keto cookbooks

I have a few different keto resources that I have enjoyed that I wanted to share with you guys.  We bought several different cookbooks that we have used and really enjoyed. Another one coming tomorrow! Also below is the collagen powder + MTC oil we use. Ketosis testing strips I ordered and Steve has this monitor currently in his cart ( he’s just GOT to know. Ha! ) So, I’ll end up ordering that today I’m sure. And…he’s read up on this drink and it’s quite popular, I’m sure he ordered that too. Let’s just say we are READY over here!


There are also a few different Instagram accounts/blogs that I follow and really enjoy.  I am going to share a screen shot on each one below. If you have a favorite, I’d LOVE to know.


We are a week in, but I have to say that so far I am really enjoying it.  I mean who doesn’t want to eat high-fat foods all the time.  Any diet that encourages you to eat something called a fat bomb, I am all for.  I will say that I am a little nervous, because if for some reason this diet doesn’t work I am going to turn into a little tub of lard.  I have seen and heard about so many great results though, so I am sure it will be awesome.  The first week I had a slight headache, but so far I haven’t seen any adverse side effects.  One of the biggest positives that I have noticed from the diet is that I have amazing mental clarity.  By day four, I could totally tell I was sharper and less foggy.  You have to drink a TON of water on this diet, so be prepared to be in the bathroom a lot.  As I mentioned above, the recipes have been delicious and are super family friendly.  I don’t think it is a diet that I will stay on long-term, but I think it is a great way to jump start your system. I know this is a statement of the obvious, but I am not a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist.  As always, you should do your own research and consult with your doctor before embarking on a change in diet. 

I hope you guys have found this post helpful.  If you have any keto specific questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments or email me at and I will try to address them.  I will check back in with you guys in few weeks and let you know how it is going.


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January 10, 2018



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So are you able to still use the Vital Proteins collagen in your coffee in the morning on Keto? I am considering starting today but I have also fallen in LOVE with the Vital!!!

Would love to see a few meal examples, i.e. breakfast seems to be a challenge when I don’t have time to cook most mornings. Love your blog!

I am so glad you are doing this. I want to get on board and it is so encouraging to have someone doing it with you! Your tips are very helpful!

We have been trying out some of the recipes and so far loving it. We aren’t on it 100% but I feel like the more recipes we find the more we will do. Thanks for sharing!

Very informative post and exactly what I’ve been looking for! The Keto diet seems to be a way of life for many and has changed so many people’s lives. I keep going on it and off but mostly because I lose track of the basics and what I’m supposed to be doing. I know I will use this post frequently on the diet and appreciate you sharing all of the resources and cook books! Keep us updated how it works for your husband, I know many people with injuries or surgeries recently and I too have thought this would be… Read more »

Thanks for sharing all this Landyn and putting it in a language us newbies can understand! I’d love to hear more about the MCT / Brain Octane and how you use it daily. As well as the meals I am sure you will share that you love! Keep the info coming sister, you’re doing a great job!! ox

Hi Landyn! I love this information. Could you share a "what I eat in a day" post or share some meals that you have a repeat?


Hi! Great post, but i would also love to see what you eat in a day and share some of your struggles with cravings and being in situations where there aren’t a lot of Keri iptions what is your go-to snack or help get me out of this situation!!! Thanks so much, love ya girl!

Any reason you won’t do it long term?

Wait, did I miss the insta story about the MCT oil?? Could you tell us more about how/why you use it?

If you have a headache or feel yucky, you may need to up your salt intake. Ketosis causes you to diurese (pee out) lots of sodium so you need to replace that. We drink lots of bone broth or chicken broth to help with that! Hope you continue to enjoy it!

What is the Keto powder you have listed for?

Thanks for posting! Love seeing your dinners on insta! Would also like to see your other meals of the day and snacks!

Landyn, I have been doing Keto diet as well and LOVING it! I’m also completely addicted to Pruvit ketones that help jump start the ketosis movement happening in your system! Their coffee creamer ( to die for ) and their afternoon water mix are both addicting and truly do the job. If you’re loooking go try something to add in to your diet and kick start your plan, five ketones a try!

Thank you for posting! Would like be to see a few meal plan examples and how you use the products.

If I bought just one Keto cookbook to get started, which one do you recommend? There are so many I don’t know which to buy.

Great tips! I really love the keto diet and I’ve made a lot of progress in changing my eating habits in the past year. One thing that really helped me get started was having access to a quality ketogenic diet cookbook. Recently I found one that offers 148 ketogenic recipes complete with meal planning tips. It also provides you with handy list of high-carb foods to avoid and advice on how to neutralize your cravings for those foods. The recipes are amazing and there’s enough recipes there to keep you from getting bored with your diet. I highly recommend it.… Read more »

Great tips! I really love the keto diet and I’ve made a lot of progress in changing my eating habits in the past year. One thing that really helped me get started was having access to a quality ketogenic diet cookbook. Recently I found one that offers 148 ketogenic recipes complete with meal planning tips. It also provides you with handy list of high-carb foods to avoid and advice on how to neutralize your cravings for those foods. The recipes are amazing and there’s enough recipes there to keep you from getting bored with your diet. I highly recommend it.… Read more »

Choosing keto is one of the best decisions we can make for us to be healthy!

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