One of the most UGH feelings in the world is when you wake up in the morning and see a new zit appear on your face…I mean come on Sharon, give me a break! I know we blame ourselves and question what the heck did we eat? About to start your period? Did we not drink enough water? Are we too stressed? Now, the answers may be HECK YES, and trust me I gotcha. Now, on the other hand, there are sometimes things are out of our control that no one to blame. My friend Karee Hayes introduced me to what they call a “face map” that explains why we break out in certain areas of our face…and it is INSANE and so true. Start paying attention, it’s wild.
Over the years, I have found a few favorite products that help me to avoid blemishes and acne as best I can. Because, it happens to the best of us. Karee Hayes has the Therapeutic Acne Gel and this stuff is MAGIC….like SO good. I also am religious about using her Koji pads, and they were a total game changer for my skin. After making them a part of my routine for over 2 years now, I can’t imagine my life without them..I truly feel like they are the reason my skin looks the way it does! If you’re ever in Nashville, you musty make yourself an appt. And if you can’t but still want some Karee in your life, you can order online. She will change your skincare life for good, and you will absolutely LOVE her. Like LOVE.
She knows how much I love my girls and texted me to give you all a little promo code for your purchases! Use LANDYN10 for 10% off, now through March 15th!
About 4 years ago, I was introduced to a prescription called Spronolactone ( I take 100 mg daily) and WOW, this stuff works. I walked into my dermatologist, Dr. Lorien Sites (BEST in Nashville) and was in tears over how my face had begun to breakout out of no where. I was like HELP ME. I asked, “why is this happening?” She put her hand on my knee and said, “Oh, we can fix that easy, what else is wrong?” Ummmmm, nothing just that. HA! She explained that often times women in their mid 30’s will experience “adult acne” after maybe never even having a blemish. She went on to tell me that’s it’s actually an old school blood pressure medicine that they no longer write for that. Has something to do with testosterone surge etc.. again, not a doctor. But if you are 38 and all the sudden your skin looks like you’re 15, well then maybe schedule an appointment with your derm. So now when I see women my age suffering with acne, I wanna run over and tell them all about this stuff.
I also use Erythromycin 2% gel, which is a topical acne treatment I have been using since I was 15. Now I think my body has gotten a little used to it at this point, so Karee’s acne gel has really come in with the win as of late. But this is another one that I swear by and have given to my kids as they navigate these acne waters. Which is rough.
Now, Target has some good solutions too, I mean let’s be real…what does Target not have? Differin Acne Gel is another great one and was once a Rx too. Now it’s sold over the counter and works wonders.
Water is a BIG component of keeping that beautiful skin of yours glowing and acne free! If you have seen me lately, you can see me toting around a HUGE water bottle larger than my arm, and I LOVE it. It helps me stay motivated, but also keeps me accountable during the day. Give yourself some extra time for the amount of times you visit the bathroom to pee, but you will be SO glad you did. I can already tell such a difference in my body and energy!
So while sometimes the occasional bad eating or stress can cause the worst Sharon ever….remember that sometimes our bodies react, and there is nothing we can do, but treat our bodies well and do our best!

Wash your face 2x a day!!! Don’t sleep in your old makeup! Yes!! Drink plenty of water!! Flush those toxins! Dry skin cloggs pores! Use a good scrub or microdermabrasion paste! You can’t treat dry skin cells. Do your research on the clinical trials for products and know what’s proven to work. For international women’s day! Dr Rodan and Dr Fields are 2 of the most inspiring women I have come to known, along with my new favorite person, Landyn!! Rodan and Fields were they original creators of Proactive. Their newest company has created several at home skin regimens for… Read more »