Alright ladies, you don’t miss a thing! I have been sporting some sneakers over the past year and you girls have taken notice. As a matter of fact, it is the hottest topic in my DM’s currently. If you’ve been paying attention to fashion on the streets, I am sure you’ve seen your fair share of star sneakers these days. So what is the big deal? This post is to share how I fell in love, why people are obsessed, where to find them for less and most importantly to answer ALL YOUR QUESTIONS! So, let’s get to it.
If you’ve ever done a deep dive on the internet, you’ve come across the Golden Goose brand. I am sure you threw up in your mouth when you saw the price. $350-$500 for a pair of sneakers? Have they lost their minds?? Are these only for celebrities? Have you thought to yourself….”gosh, I’d love a pair, but I just can’t, that’s insane…” Trust me girls, I thought the same thing.
I have seen them in passing, and they totally caught my eye. It seems like I was catching myself looking at people’s feet. There’s just something about them…maybe it’s because I am a star lover, but I mean what girl doesn’t love shoes? They always fit…kinda the way we feel about purses too.
So like most nice things in my life, my husband’s been the one to pull the trigger and treat me. Any nice bag I have ever owned has come into my life via an anniversary, Christmas, or I messed up.. I’m sorry. Ha! He smashed his head into people for a living, let the man buy you something nice. I made the mistake, or the smart move of bringing them to his attention. One of my girlfriends had a few pairs, so I sat her down to see what the hype was all about after eyeing these dang things for a good 2 years.
I asked her all the questions…
Are they worth the money?
Are they comfortable?
Do you wear them as much as I see you in them?
Were you drunk when you bought them?
Does your husband know how much they cost?
Her answers were:
Hell no!
Golden Goose Deluxe Brand was born in 2000 merging the creative spirit of Francesca Rinaldo and Alessandro Gallo:
two young Venetian designers, outsiders until then to the world of fashion.Since the beginning, the company has distinguish itself with innovative but artisan spirited products, a low-key
communication strategy and a highly selective placement in venues that share the brand’s philosophy.In 15 years, Golden Goose Deluxe Brand has created a complete lifestyle for its customers, offering a collection that
includes ready to wear, accessories and footwear, combining a refined and modern style with a vintage feeling,
all supported by the strong Italian sartorial tradition.The brand has flagship stores in New York, Paris, London, Milan, Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Beirut, St. Tropez, Amsterdam,
besides strengthening partnerships with all the most important fashion destinations around the globe.

So I sat on all of her answers for a little while, and on occasion Steve would ask me..”are you gonna buy the sneakers or not” and my real answer was..”I really don’t know, that is a lot of money for some sneakers. I need to imagine myself wearing them all the time, and really make sure they are worth it. Plus, so many styles and colors.” It felt like he wanted me to circle a pair like I would a toy in a Christmas catalog. He probably had a occasion he was thinking of. Sweet guy.
One day I was out and about and walked into a local boutique in Nashville, and when I walked in the door, I turned to the left and there they were. Now, if you have done any research about Golden Goose, you know they are loud, covered in glitter, and often an odd combination of colors. One thing they all have in common, is that dang star. And there I was, starstruck. They were solid black with a white star and just the right amount of distressing. I was in love, they were made for me…and they were on sale! And to be quite honest with you, that was the reason I brought them to the counter. Having big feet (hello size 10), sometimes has its benefits. They were the only pair left.
So here I am…wearing them on repeat + getting compliments everywhere I go + feeling like a rockSTAR + never wanting to take em off + styling the rest of my outfit around them. You guys, I kid you not, these are my favorite shoes in my closet. I have created a monster. I just can’t get enough.
I used to make fun of people who had multiple pairs, like are people really dropping that kind of money on sneakers? Well, here I am folks. But keep reading…
Hi, my name is Landyn. I own 3 pair of Golden Goose sneakers….
My second pair of Golden Goose were actually a Christmas gift. They are black with the right amount of glitter. They don’t lace up, are easy to slip on, and I love their unkept look. I can’t believe it, at this point I now have two pairs. This is when I think my problem really started. Because once you have two, two turns to three, three turns to four…and now I am a Kardashian. Just kidding. TOTALLY KIDDING.
My third and probably final pair are the ones you are all obsessed with, and I can see why. It’s how I felt the first time I saw them. I literally ran into a girl at the grocery store, like with my cart, because I was looking at her shoes.
We struck up a conversation, and the next thing you know I am ordering my next pair of Golden Goose in the middle of Publix on aisle 6. Someone please help me. This is so out of character for me. And no one tell my husband. I need you to all go to your grave with this one, this is what best friends do.
Are they worth the price? Yes, I think so. Can you find ones that looks just like them….sure can. I’ll tell you where. Are they on sale currently…YUP. Do they go on sale very often…no. Will you feel like a million dollars wearing them? HECK YES.
Now, this post was meant to be informative, if you have no idea what all the fuss is about. I’m in no way saying go buy a pair. But I am saying it’s ok to have nice things and girlfriend, you can spend your hard earned money on whatever you want. For me, it’s sneakers I guess and I LOVE them. It’s not often you’ll see me share things in this price point, let alone treat myself to things like this. I was raised to be frugal and mindful of spending. Just wait till the chapter in my book about my dad. You’ll see why. HA! And please don’t message me that you can’t relate to me anymore. I work hard and I fell in love with a pair of sneakers, there’s worse things to spend your money on. Right?
So below I am going to break it down for you. Where to buy them. When to buy them. Which ones to buy. How to fool everyone. And how to treat yourself. And by all means, scour the internet and find them as marked down as possible. I seem to have good luck on this Italian website called too.
Happy Friday!
If you’ve gotta have them and experience what has become a sneaker cult.
Seriously, If you walk fast no one will know.
Hi Landy! Do you have a link for the third pair with the silver sparkle star? They are PERFECT and I can’t find them anywhere!!
Ah! Sorry about the old link. These are a close match!
Hi Landyn! Do you have link for the third pair with the silver sparkly star? They are so cute but so HARD to find. Any advice or links?
I can’t find the exact ones, but these are similar!!