Last weekend I surprised Lily and 7 of her friends with a little staycation at the Opryland Hotel and Soundwaves waterpark. It was her 15th birthday and I feel like that sweet kid has had the same birthday “party” for the past 10 years. It’s always been at our house, in the pool…well because August and it’s usually one thousand degrees outside. We light the candles, sing and they all go home. Nice, don’t get me wrong and she’s NEVER complained. It’s also always the first week of school too, so I feel like it takes a back seat. Well, not this year. This year I was going to earn that cool mom status.
My kids have talked about this new place that just opened not but 25 minutes from our house. It was the newest addition to the infamous Opryland Hotel this past May. And crazy enough we have never been. Not even to the Hotel. What?!?!? Not really sure why not. Isn’t that the case sometimes… you never seem to play tourist in your own city.
When’s the last time you’ve been to a waterpark? And when you went to said waterpark did you walk cautiously from slide to slide, stepping over wet band-aids and pennies, maybe even a possible soggy french fry? (excuse me while I throw up in my mouth) Seriously though, you know exactly what I’m talking about. They’re GROSS! With a capital G. But, NOT THIS PLACE. Soundwaves and the Gaylord Opryland Resort is a DREAM. I was truly impressed and no, they’re not telling me to say any of this. This is just me, a mom that went, had an absolute blast (kids too) enjoyed our stay and is now recommending it to you. But funny enough I did have the pleasure of meeting Tammy, the head of marketing while we were there and she couldn’t have been sweeter to us. I mean, she had cupcakes delivered poolside and welcome baskets full of candy in our rooms, arcade cards and insulated tumblers for the whole crew. So, so nice! Like I said, everything down to the check in process was wonderful. Take a peek here at all the amenities, guest rooms, dining options and so much more. I hear the holidays are INSANE. This year the theme is A Christmas Story 🙂
As I was typing this up yesterday I got an email thanking me for coming (little do they know, I’ll be there often HA!) That’s not the last of us! Between you and me, I will be going one day with my girlfriends while the kids are in school. FOR SURE. Can you imagine a nice quite day chatting it up with your girlfriends pool side *possibly one rose before pick-up?* (the outside part is open through September and the inside year round) Ok, back to the email… basically you ladies caught their eye on social media with all your interest and many resort inquires, that they would love to GIVEAWAY: A SoundWaves Experience Package prize to one lucky winner. It includes: 2 night room accommodations at Gaylord Opryland Resort; 4 passes to SoundWaves water attraction; resort fee, parking, and tax. Travel must occur by November 6, 2019. WHAT?! Yes, isn’t that great! I will post the giveaway to my Instagram feed TODAY (Friday, August 23rd 2019) and it will end Sunday, August 24th, 2019. I’ll announce the winner on my instastories Monday, August 25th 2019. Eeeeeeeek! So fun and I’m thrilled for one of you to experience all the things! Anyways, just wanted to share. When I find something worth sharing, I can’t shut up about it. But, you already know that about me.
I am in a funk and desperately need this for my husband, kids, and I need this!
I want to do this for my sons birthday the weekend of September 21st!
Xoxo Karen