September 16, 2019

    GIRLS. I am on a HEALTH KICK. If you’ve been following along, you know I’ve really buckled down with the clean eating and even working out- shout out to KLUG Fitness. You’ve been so interested in my meals, what I drink during the day, the supplements I’ve been taking and you’re even these amazing […]

March 6, 2019

Even though it is FREEZING here in Nashville, I am doing my very best to do anything that brings a little bit of spring fever into our home right about now. Avocado is the best in every season, but this light avocado chicken salad is perfect for a great meal or on the go lunch, […]

September 18, 2018

Welcome to my first EVER cooking show! Yesterday I introduced you all to the lovely Rachel Devries and she talked a little about health + fitness, plans, and how to take care of yourself. Well today we’ve moved into the kitchen, so that you can see how GOOD she really is. She’s sharing FOUR of […]

July 26, 2016

This is that go-to dressing you need for any salad, that will keep your salad healthy and also give you that burst of flavor you are looking for! So many times I feel like the dressings that I love are not adding any health to my salads, but pretty much decreasing how healthy it actually […]

June 20, 2016

These little yummy bites of goodness are from the WHAT TO EAT series I collaborated on with Body By Heidi last month. Oh, man…if you haven’t tried these or any of her recipes you really should. It’s not diet food, it’s just GOOD CLEAN EATING. Since making these, they’ve been requested by my family twice […]

May 26, 2016

***DISCLAIMER***  Again, I’M NOT A DIETITIAN, EXPERT OR CLAIM TO KNOW IT ALL. THIS IS NOT ABOUT WEIGHT AND SHAMING BODY IMAGE. So, save the emails. I’m just a 39 year old mother of 2, that works hard in the gym weekly, loves a cocktail + pizza on the weekends and *tries* to keep my eating […]

May 18, 2016

**** DISCLAIMER **** Before I receive 14 emails about this post, I’M NOT A DIETITIAN, EXPERT OR CLAIM TO KNOW IT ALL. THIS IS NOT ABOUT WEIGHT AND SHAMING BODY IMAGE. So, save the emails. I’m just a 39 year old mother of 2, that works hard in the gym weekly, loves a cocktail + pizza on […]


Landyn's Favorites

meet landyn



I’m your girl for finding the perfect white tee, the mother of all under eye concealer and a dinner your kids will actually eat. And if there something I haven’t found, you’ll be there when I do. My hope is to inspire you, be your daily dose of comic relief and that best girlfriend you never really knew you needed. So, pour that second cup of coffee, grab your girls and let’s go figure out this thing called life.


Meet Landyn